On Fri, Jan 09, 2004 at 09:34:33AM +0900, Douglas Dreistadt wrote:
> I tried Alt-F2, and guessed that the command for mounting a disk was
> "mount". I tried "mount hda3" and "mount /dev/hda3" and several other
> combinations of these, but I keep getting the error "Can't find hda3
> in /etc/fstab" I also tried issuing the commands from different
> directories, but the error message was always "Can't find hda3 in
> /etc/fstab".

'mount -t ext2 /dev/hda3 /wherever/you/want/to/put/it', if it's a
standard Linux filesystem. If it's a DOS filesystem, substitute 'vfat'
for 'ext2'.

If you just give a single argument to mount, it interprets it as a mount
point (the place in the current filesystem onto which to graft the newly
mounted filesystem), and looks through /etc/fstab to try to find the
filesystem type and the device to mount.

> It's also hard to tell exactly where I am because the Linux prompt
> doesn't display the working directory, and the "ls" command rarely
> returns anything.

The installer's shell is pretty minimal for space reasons. 'pwd' will
tell you your current working directory. In a proper shell in an
installed system, you'll probably have a decent prompt preconfigured,
but if not then type the following (or variations) to put the current
working directory in your prompt:


> I guess I'm going to have to find some info on Linux commands and
> learn them before attempting the install again, because I can't seem
> to find any help on commands and switches at the command line.

Again, that's the installer shell for you. :) (I did think it had 'help
foo', though.) There's plenty of information at <http://www.tldp.org/>.

> I'll probably consider another installer if I can't work through the
> problems with this official Debian CD, but I'm guessing that the
> solution is probably a simple one, so I hate to give up now. Any
> suggestions ...?

All the above said, I'm not entirely clear on what your actual problem
is. Why do you need to mount an extra filesystem by hand from the


Colin Watson                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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