On Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 05:01:19PM -0500, David Sawyer wrote:
> This may seem to be a simple problem. I set up Debian with a password that
> I wrote down to be sure. Since then I have never been able to log in. When
> I use the password that I wrote down it is not accepted. I really don't
> want to have to delete the program and download it again. I guess Ubuntu
> might be better.
> Dave Sawyer

Hi David,

Did you set up a root password as well?

Did you confuse numbers or letters do you think - 1 and l or 0 and O?

Sounds stupid: did you accidentally hit caps lock and put your password
in originally in all capitals? 
[Yes - most of us have done that sort of thing once :) ]

There are ways to get in using rescue mode, potentially, or by editing
the line that comes up when the initial splash screen comes up, but
eliminate the obvious.

To use Ubuntu, you'd need to overwrite what you have: at the very worst,
if you've no valuable data on the machine yet, you could reinstall Debian.

Good luck with it - come back to the list once you've eliminated the
most obvious problems.

With every good wish, as ever,


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