#fndar=($(IFS=$'\n'; find "$sdir" -type f -printf '%P|%TY-%Tm-%Td
%TI:%TM|%s\n' | sort --version-sort --reverse))
#fndar=($(IFS='\n'; find "$sdir" -type f -printf '%P|%TY-%Tm-%Td
%TI:%TM|%s\n' | sort --version-sort --reverse))
fndar=($(find "$sdir" -type f -printf '%P|%TY-%Tm-%Td %TI:%TM|%s\n' |
sort --version-sort --reverse))
echo "// __ \$fndarl: |${fndarl}|${fndar[0]}"

the array construct ($( ... )) is using the space (between the date
and the time) also to split array elements, but file names and paths
may contain spaces, so ($( ... )) should have a way to reset its
parsing metadata, or, do you know of any other way to get each whole
-printf ... line out of find as part of array elements?


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