On Fri, Jan 5, 2024 at 12:18 PM David <david.g_jo...@ntlworld.com> wrote:

> On Fri, 2024-01-05 at 00:43 -0500, Felix Miata wrote:
> > David composed on 2024-01-04 04:30 (UTC):
> >
> > > With the latest Debian I'm trying to find the file to edit to
> > > change
> > > the IP address of a remote box, can anybody point me in the correct
> > > direction please?
> >
> > > I can SSH into this box, but cannot find the file to edit.
> >
> > Traditionally it would be in /etc/network/interfaces used by
> > ifupdown. Mine is in
> > /etc/systemd/network/eth0.network because I'm using systemd-networkd.
> > Where
> > NetworkMangler users keep theirs I have no information. If you can
> > search files in
> > the /etc/ tree for string 192.168. or 10.0. or 172.16. likely you'll
> > find it.
> Thank you for the replies.
> After doing a grep search for 192.168.205 I was given the
> directory /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Wired connection
> 1.nmconnection::address1-

Try this: ls "/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Wired connection

Or this: ls /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Wired\ connection\

The spaces in the name create an annoyance.

I can go to the directory /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/
> But I cannot find the file to edit.
> Can anybody help me please?
> David.

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