On 2024-01-09 at 09:38, Dan Ritter wrote:

> The Wanderer wrote:
>> So... as the Subject asks, should I be worried? How do I interpret
>> these results, and at what point do they start to reflect something
>> to take action over? If there is not reason to be worried, what
>> *do* these alerts indicate, and at what point *should* I start to
>> be worried about them?
>> I already *am* worried, to the point of having heartburn and
>> difficulty sleeping over the possibility of data loss (there's
>> enough on here that external backup would be somewhat difficult to
>> arrange), but I'm not sure whether or not that is warranted.
> YES. Backup ASAP.
> 2TB and 4TB Samsung 870 EVO disks produced before November 2022 have
> this as a known failure mode.


I spent (what I'm now fairly sure was) *thousands* on these things,
after comparing a fair few drive models in reviews, and this is the
first I've heard that there was any issue.

Thank you for pointing it out. I have now done a bit of specific looking
regarding this model, and found a thread discussing it which started in
January 2022 and *is still going today*.

I have now ordered a high-capacity external hard drive to back up the
data (delivery date is this coming Monday), and two Intel
enterprise-class drives to start having a reserve on hand for the
expected failure. I don't really have the funds right now to buy
replacements for everything immediately, at least not without carrying a
lot more of a credit-card balance than I want to, but I want to at least
get started.

>> Model Family:     Samsung based SSDs
>> Device Model:     Samsung SSD 870 EVO 2TB
>> Serial Number:    S620NJ0R410888A
> These may or may not be under warranty, depending on when you
> purchased them and from whom. Assume Samsung will take a long time,
> no matter what.

IIRC, I bought them via Newegg, in early-to-maybe-mid 2021. (The
alternative would be Amazon, but in this case I don't think that's how
it happened.) I would be surprised if there were warranty coverage at
this point, but might look a bit deeper; even if there is coverage,
however, it's not worth waiting (and risking data loss) for the process
to complete.

This is *not* a stress I need right now...

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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