Stuart Barkley <> writes:

> I think some places are moving to Ubuntu.  The thought is that Ubuntu
> keeps more up to date with software.  I preferred to keep the OS
> minimal and build the user software independently since there usually
> were complex dependencies and Debian should be fine in that case.
> We used diskless servers with stable ramdisk boot images and I did not
> get Debian or Ubuntu working before I retired.  I didn't get far
> enough along to try Infiniband or GPFS.  GPFS was working for some
> others on Ubuntu workstations.
> The Beowulf mailing list is good.
> Stuart
> On January 6, 2024 4:04:51 PM UTC, "Andrew M.A. Cater" <> 
> wrote:
>>Michael: This discussion has also been taking place periodically in
>>the main Beowulf lists over at (
>>See, for example, their archives from May-November 2023 for the thread.
>>For anyone interested in HPC, I commend the Beowulf list - very small
>>numbers of extremely motivated, extremely competent people.
>>Disclaimer: I'm also an occasional contributor to discussions there -
>>and I first suggested that they use Debian rather than a Red Hat base
>>in about 1998 when Red Hat launched Extreme Linux :)
>>All the very best, as ever,

Thanks for the info - I'll have a look at the list.

Personally I can't see Ubuntu being a viable option.  For HPC I don't
see any advantage regarding software relative to Debian.



Dr. Loris Bennett (Herr/Mr)
FUB-IT (ex-ZEDAT), Freie Universität Berlin

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