On Mon, Jan 15, 2024 at 09:37:34PM +0100, hw wrote:
> On Mon, 2024-01-15 at 20:21 +0100, to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
> > On Mon, Jan 15, 2024 at 07:38:27PM +0100, hw wrote:


> > No idea where its config is, but there is an admin front end
> > to it called rtkitctl.
> It doesn't have any configuration other through command line
> arguments.

Darn :-(

> > That said, it is Poetteringware, so it should come with a decent
> > man page.
> It doesn't have a man page.

Double darn. I do have my issues with Poetteringware (since avahi),
but my experience is that it had pretty good docs. Disappointed.

> Well, I don't remove it because it can be useful.  I only want to
> prevent it from doing stuff I don't want it to do.  That ability goes
> more and more down the drain :(

Reminds one of the Monkey's Paw [1], doesn't it :)

> And it turned out that it's apparently not rtkit-daemon but firefox
> itself that makes it assume a higher priority.

Firefox itself can't (unless it is started with extra capabilities
(CAP_SYS_NICE,I think). Thus the roundabout via DBus and (possibly)

> > [2] Phew. No DBus around here. Another bullet dodged :-D
> Aren't there going to be lots of problems with things not working when
> you don't have dbus?

Heh. But they are the known knowns. The only real limitation
actually is no Bluetooth, because Bluez insists on a brain
dead architecture which replaces plain old lib interface with
DBus calls.

The others... well. No "Desktop Environment": duh, I don't enjoy
those. Pulseaudio and Systemd don't want to play with me -- I don't
want to play with them either, not on my daily driver. The browser
has gone gaga and *wants* Pulseaudio: there's apulse for that
(thanks, Rinat Ibragimov!).

All I learn about those is when trying to help others keep their
system afloat (yes, for someone coming from the Dark Side and
not wanting to tinker, something like Gnome or Mate does make


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Monkey's_Paw

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