On 17 Jan 2024 18:00 +0100, from k...@osnanet.de (Kevin Price):
> Could anyone please help me find where to file this bug to? Any ideas
> much appreciated. Maybe there's a bug already that I didn't find.

The canonical starting point is https://bugs.debian.org

Notably for this situation, near the bottom of that page is a link to
a list of pseudo-packages, which in turn includes "cdimage.debian.org
— CD Image issues" which looks right for this.

So you would file a bug with a

Package: cdimage.debian.org

The corresponding list of currently outstanding bugs is viewable
through https://bugs.debian.org/cdimage.debian.org

Also, while obviously it's far, far better to take care to file a bug
against the correct package, I would go out on a limb here and say
that it's not a disaster if, _despite your best efforts_, it ends up
being filed against the wrong package or pseudo-package. Bugs _can_ be
reassigned to different packages if they are filed against the wrong
package by mistake.

The above is NOT meant to imply endorsement of sloppy bug filing; _do_
your best to find the correct package to report the bug against, but
_don't_ lose sleep over a slim chance that you might end up reporting
it against the wrong package. Someone will almost certainly fix it if
you get it wrong; it might just take longer to get the bug fixed,
especially for a low-priority bug like I would at first glance
consider the one you're talking about in this thread.

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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