On Thu 11 Jan 2024 at 16:41:36 (+0100), Hans wrote:
> I am running Debian/stable with Libreoffice (ok, this is not the 
> problem :)  ) 
> But: When I start Libreoffice, then the logo appears, the progress bar is 
> showing about 25 percent, then hangs for about 1 Minute. After it libreoffice 
> is 
> going on further starting and is then running without any problems.
> I remeber, that the last time it had something to do with the network 
> settings. Libreoffice is searchin for an IP, but could not find it, then 
> running 
> into a timeout (the 1 minute I mentioned above) and then after it, going on 
> starting.
> Of course this is annoying.
> I remember, the fix was antering the IP of the computer it is running into a 
> file below /etc. Dunno, if it is /etc/hosts or similar.
> The host has got a fixed IP address, here

It sounds rather like a computer that doesn't know its hostname, or
its IP address. So can you elaborate on how you "fix" the address.

For example, my /etc/hosts file on ahost contains at a minimum:     localhost     ahost.corp      ahost   #
  ::1     localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
  ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
  ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

and the router's DHCP server issues when asked by
a PC with ahost's MAC. (All other hosts' /etc/hosts files contain ahost.corp      ahost)

> Strange thing: If I login from the host into the host by using 
> "ssh -X -l myusername"
> then soffice is starting at once and without any break.
> For searching the reoson of the break, I also tried to start soffice by using 
> strace, but that gave me no clue.
> Reinstallation of Libreoffice and purging ~/.config/libreoffice* did not help.
> Maybe, the is also related to this: Sometimes, but not everytime, Libreoffice 
> pops a window up, telling, "....it does not find a proxy network script..."
> I checked, there is no proxy set, neither in the operating system, nor in 
> Libreoffice itself. If there is a choice of setting, all proxy settings are 
> set 
> ot "NONE" or "System". However, this proxy-thingi appears only sometimes and 
> may not cause any harm., Just wanted to mention it.
> It would be nice, if one could give me some hints, where to look and what can 
> I do, to check of this issue.
> I am very sure, it is a setting problem and NOT a bug.


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