On Saturday 20 January 2024 07:56:16 pm gene heskett wrote:
> We may even already 
> have a POS system you could use. I know for a fact one of the local 
> grocery stores here in this village of around 6000 is running something 
> on linux in the checkout lanes, I saw it boot up after a power failure 
> before the actual app was auto-started.  What that app was, no one had 
> been instructed as it was totally auto starting.  Typical of the 
> checkout lanes I suspect.

Without naming the rather large company involved,  I had some similar 
experience -- I ran a service call to do some updates on one of those checkout 
lane systems,  and they were running a customized version of RH7!  I was 
instructed to bring a keyboard and a monitor because the POS screen and 
keyboard wouldn't show all that needed to be seen or to key in the necessary 

Member of the toughest, meanest, deadliest, most unrelenting -- and
ablest -- form of life in this section of space,  a critter that can
be killed but can't be tamed.  --Robert A. Heinlein, "The Puppet Masters"
Information is more dangerous than cannon to a society ruled by lies. --James 
M Dakin

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