On Mon, 22 Jan 2024 18:27:51 -0800
David Christensen <dpchr...@holgerdanske.com> wrote:

> debian-user:
> I have a SOHO file server with ~1 TB of data.  I would like archive
> the data by burning it to a series of optical discs organized by time
> (e.g. mtime).  I expect to periodically burn additional discs in the
> future, each covering a span of time from the previous last disc to
> the then-current time.
> I am looking for FOSS software for Unix platforms that goes beyond a 
> disc burner with multi-volume spanning.  The term "archive management 
> system" comes to mind.
> Comments or suggestions?

gene heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net>'s suggestion of Amanda is a good
one. It has its kinks, but is solid and reliable. Amanda also handles
compression and encryption for you. I currently use Amanda to back up
to a RAID array. I then use rsnapshot to back portions of that
(including the Amanda virtual tapes) to one of three rotating off-site
USB external drives. I suspect the latter could be adapted to your

If you don't find anything readily available, I'd look at using find
and the mtimes to copy to a holding disk, which you can then burn to
archive media.

I suggest you look at Blu-Ray for archiving.

Does anybody read signatures any more?


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