On 1/28/24 13:55, Andy Smith wrote:

Thanks, this is very useful.

On Sun, Jan 28, 2024 at 06:58:08PM +0100, hw wrote:
However, stay away from their cheap models as seen on this[1] picture
(Back UPS).  They work and you can replace the batteries yourself even
though you're not supposed to.  It's a minimum basic device.  It may
be on ok option if you're on a budget.  Their batteries last about 3

So, I must admit, I am quite tempted by BX1600MI which would cost me
about £183. The equivalent spec in the Pro range is more than twice
this price.

Although the battery is not strictly user-replaceable, I watched
some videos on the task and it seems pretty easily doable.

Something for me to think on.


I'm a fan of APC, but the consumer versions. and I don't worry about batteries until they won't last the 6 or 7 seconds it takes to spin up the 20kw kohler in the back yard. My now deceased wife was on an oxy concentrator the last 15 years of her life, and a power failure of 20 minutes might have finished her, so I bought a standby just a few months before the direcho that took power down for 3 days in June 2010. Very handy since.

I have an APC-1600 that been begging for a battery for a couple years, Still works fine for those few seconds.
Take care, stay well, Andy.

Cheers, Gene Heskett, CET
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