(Re)posting the below as requested, and can confirm 

history -r 

seems to have the desired effect.

----- Original message -----
From: Will Mengarini <sel...@eskimo.com>
To: Gareth Evans <donots...@fastmail.fm>
Cc: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: script/history
Date: Monday, 5 February 2024 01:02

* Gareth Evans <donots...@fastmail.fm> [24-02/04=Su 09:46 +0000]:
> Re the script command, does anyone know of a way to make
> commands run during a script session appear in bash history too?

You want the 'history -r' command, "explained" by `help history`.

After you end the script, you're back in the bash instance you ran
'script' from.  When you ended the script & therefore the bash being run
in that script, that bash wrote its commands to ~/.bash_history; but
the bash you're running, which is the one you ran script from, hasn't
read that ~/.bash_history.  Running 'history -r' will cause it to do so.

BTW I've got some kind of email configuration problem that usually
prevents me from posting to debian-user, even though I can usually
email individual users.  Gareth, if you get this, and it's the correct
solution to your original problem, perhaps you could post it to the
list; this email is CCd to debian-user, but I expect the CC to bounce.

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