
> > Does anyone have an idea what is possibly wrong?
> Look for more information.

This is the output of systemctl list-jobs :

JOB UNIT                                 TYPE  STATE
102 autofs.service                       start waiting
82  mlocate.timer                        start waiting
80  e2scrub_all.timer                    start waiting
117 cron.service                         start waiting
1   graphical.target                     start waiting
140 apache2.service                      start waiting
127 nullmailer.service                   start waiting
81  phpsessionclean.timer                start waiting
94  nslcd.service                        start waiting
40  time-sync.target                     start waiting
86  logrotate.timer                      start waiting
83  man-db.timer                         start waiting
84  apt-daily-upgrade.timer              start waiting
115 systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service start waiting
135 atd.service                          start waiting
79  timers.target                        start waiting
87  apt-daily.timer                      start waiting
39  systemd-time-wait-sync.service       start running
88  fstrim.timer                         start waiting
2   multi-user.target                    start waiting

As you can see, there are really many failed services. It seems that
systemd-time-wait-sync.service is waiting for systemd-timesyncd to
synchronize the clock, but systemd-timesyncd is not installed at all.


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