On 2/5/24 19:03, Max Nikulin wrote:
On 06/02/2024 06:14, David Christensen wrote:
Enter a Zip Code of "12345", highlight the first result, copy it
to the clipboard,
[...]> But if I close the above Firefox window, start a Firefox instance,
browse to:

If you terminate an application handling selection then content is not available any more.

Thank you for the reply.  :-)

I did not attempt to paste from the X primary selection after closing Firefox.

To debug you may use xsel or xclip

    xclip -o -selection PRIMARY
    xclip -o -selection CLIPBOARD

That is useful.

To access primary selection or clipboard in vim use * and + registers: "*p in normal mode

If I start Firefox, browse to https://www.toyota.com/dealers, select the
the first dealer contents, start Vim, press and release the double-quote key, press and release the asterisk key, and press and release the p key, Vim inserts a blank line.

or C-R* in insert mode.

I do not understand your notation:


Continuing from above in Vim in normal (command) mode, if I then press and release the i key, then simultaneously press the Ctrl, r, and asterisk keys, and then release all keys, nothing happens.

... Ctrl+Shift+V

Continuing from above in Vim in Insert mode, if I then simultaneously press the Ctrl, Shift, and v keys, and then release all keys, Vim inserts the contents of the clipboard; as confirmed by:

    xclip -o -selection CLIPBOARD


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