On Wed, Feb 07, 2024 at 06:58:39AM +0100, hw wrote:
> On Tue, 2024-02-06 at 21:43 -0600, David Wright wrote:
> > It's also obvious that "change the keyboard layout" is ambiguous,
> > and you didn't intend to mean switching between two layouts.
> It's not at all obvious, and it's not really ambiguous.  Changing the
> keyboard layout has always been about changing the keybaord layout and
> never about switching between different keyboards or between different
> layouts.

No, I can assure you, it is ambiguous.

To "change the keyboard layout" could mean either to select a different
layout, or to modify an existing layout.  In fact, I think *most* people
would assume the former.

Compare to "change clothing".  If a parent says they want you to go
upstairs and change your shirt, they *most likely* mean they want
you to select a different shirt.  They would be quite surprised if
you altered your shirt with a knife and some magic markers.

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