* 0debian user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040110 15:07]:

> 1) What kernel should I install (a 2.4.24 stable kernel or a more risky 
> 2.6.0)?

Well I installed 2.6.0 three days ago, and it didn't crashed, and still
works on my workstation and my notebook.

However: I won't install any 2.6 Kernel on my productive server, until
I'm realy sure, that it will work. If I don't encounter any problems,
perhaps in three or four weeks.

If you use your computer just for fun, try 2.6, its nice. In any other
case you should answer your question yourself ;)

> 2) How does one install kernel image package in Debian?

Like installing every other package: apt-cache search kernel-image,
choose one, apt-get install <your-choosen-kernel-image>

> Do I have to move ny old modules directory away so they are not
> overwritten if the new kernel fails and I must boot the old one?

No, you don't have to. Take a look at /lib/modules. There are
subdirectories for each kernel-version.

> 3) How does one install kernel from source in Debian?

You can either "apt-cache search kernel-source ; apt-get install
<one-source-package>", or get the vanilla sources from a kernel.org
mirror near to you.

I prefer to compile my kernels with the "make-kpkg"-tool in the package
kernel-package. This tool will create your very own kernel-image debian
package, which you can easily install.

> After it is compiled I should move the kernel image to /vmlinuz and
> copy over the System.map file to / ? I should run "lilo -v" before
> reboot?

If you use make-kpkg and install the resulting deb, you don't need to
do this. When you install the package, the vmlinuz / vmlinuz.old
symlinks will be updated, and lilo will be run. /etc/lilo allready
contains an entry fpr vmlinuz.old.

> 4) What should I add to /etc/lilo.conf so it will let me select old or new 
> kernel?

Debian's default lilo-configuration allready contains a section for
/vmlinuz and /vmlinuz.old, but if you install an debian kernel, you
might need to add "initrd=/initrd" to the vmlinuz section. You will be
told about that, when installing the kernel.

> 5) What is initrd and is it good to use?

initrd is an initial ramdisk containing everything, which is needed
access your hard discs.
There are quite many discs drivers, drivers for scsi adaptors,
filesystems and so on, a gerneral multi purpose kernel from a
distribution should be able to access all these devices, therefore it
would became realy big.
To get a small multi purpose kernel, you can compile all those drivers
as module, and throw them in a small virtual disc image, your initial
ramdisc. Now if your small kernel knows, where this disc image is, it
can access it, load the necasary modules, and is then able to access
your hard disc.

If you compile your own kernel for one machine, your propaly won't use
it, and instead compile your kernel with included support for your
filesystems and disc adaptors.

> 6) How do I know what in the kernel config I should let the kernel load as 
> modules and what should be compiled into the kernel image?

Compile everything, which is needed to boot and access your disc (don't
forget filesystems!), direct in the kernel. You may leave everything
else as a module.

> 7) Is there a good kernel install/config guide that is tailored to Debian 
> and addresses 2.4.24 or 2.6.0 kernel?

Don't know, ask google.

Yours sincerely,

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