Am 22.02.2024 schrieb Frank Weißer <>:

> I only choose ext2 for formatting the encrypted partition, because 
> nothing else is offered.

That is really strange. If I did install Debian 12, it offered me a
list of different file systems, including ext2/3/4.

> Despite that the partition in fact is getting formatted ext4, so the
> entry ext2 in /etc/fstab leads into emergency mode.

Does the installer format it as ext4, but shows ext2 and places that in
Or do you format it manually?

> I think the partitioning tool in installer should offer to format the 
> encrypted partition in ext4, as LUKS (?) does, instead of ext2 and
> must write ext4 to /etc/fstab, as this is, how it ends up.

LUKS is only a container and doesn't care about the file system inside.
After opening it, it is a file under /dev/mapper that can be formatted
like /dev/sdXY.

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