Dnia 2024-02-23, o godz. 14:23:07
Nicolas George <geo...@nsup.org> napisaƂ(a):

> Mariusz Gronczewski (12024-02-23):
> > Like, really what kind of person gets angry when they get too much
> > details in instruction?  
> What kind of person writes pages of angry mail when the details are
> not liked?

That would be you, the thing like "conversation" and "having common
courtesy to answer questions instead of ignoring ones you don't like"
seems like foreign concept to you too. Now please just be quiet as this
is just spam at that point and the question has already been answered.

Mariusz Gronczewski (XANi) <xani...@gmail.com>
GnuPG: 0xEA8ACE64

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