
I'm trying to set up a LUKS-encrypted user's home partition which would
be automounted when the user logs in.

I've installed libpam-mount and added the following line into

<volume user="andrey" fstype="crypt" path="/dev/disk/by-partuuid/..."
mountpoint="~" />

Automounting works fine, but I'm having trouble with auto-unmounting
when I log out. The partition stays mounted and I can see "target is
busy" errors from umount in the journal.

If I edit logout entry inside pam_mount.conf.xml to look like this: 

<logout wait="10000000" hup="no" term="yes" kill="yes" />

I can see during the first 10sec period that my home dir is held by
pulseaudio and dbus-daemon. Then pam_mount terminates them successfully
with SIGTERM, waits another 10sec period, tries to kill whatever might
remain and successfully unmounts the directory. Interestingly,
pam_mount won't wait after sending the last signal, so having kill is
important for term to work well, otherwise there will still be a race.

So it seems to me that the pam_mount processing happens a bit early
during logout, before the system gets an opportunity to shutdown some
of the user processes. Is there anything I can change in my
configuration to let everything stop gracefully leaving the <logout ...
/> as a last resort option for pam_mount?

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