
Please end the thread at this point. Thank you.

As Andy Smith points out, I asked politely for this thread to cease
a while ago because it would degenerate to more heat than light.
I was wrong - it degenerated to futility.

Please remember the FAQ: remember the Code of Conduct and the ways
to keep this list useful.

In a similar way to dealing with spam: stop replying when there's 
nothing constructive to add. If you think people are trolling,
don't spend ages discussing it, necessarily, because that will
encourage the thread to continue. Move to the next topic.

Any and all of you may think that this is political correctness
gone mad / censorship or whatever. Changing terminology is 
inevitable over time: making meanings clear (while at the same
time avoiding being potentially offensive) is a useful purpose
in itself.

Nobody is forcing an attitude change on every individual in
the Debian community but the continued ask is for people
to be constructive in dealing with each other. That's my
purpose in asking for this thread to stop - now.

With every good wish

Andrew Cater
[For the Debian Community Team] 

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