Le 20/03/2024 à 09:09, Marco Moock a écrit :
Am 20.03.2024 um 08:22:16 Uhr schrieb Detlef Vollmann:

It currently has "871 not upgraded" and it's nearly impossible to
install new packages.
The libs will have a suffix of t64, so you need to use dist-upgrade to
upgrade the packages if they depend on the t64 libs.

Although, carefully read what it wants to remove. If it wants to remove
packages you need, don't hit y.

Then upgrade the packages manually and look which package creates
dependency problems.

Since I begin to have this in tetsing : and what should we do when a package tries to remove other (except wait) ?

eg, now in testing upgrading nextcloud-desktop would remove plasma-discover, and fwbuilder would remove cups.

Erwan David

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