Am Dienstag, dem 02.04.2024 um 13:35 +1030 schrieb Christian Gelinek:
> Thank you all for your responses.
> On 2/4/24 12:41, Greg Wooledge wrote:
>  > On Mon, Apr 01, 2024 at 10:06:40PM -0400, wrote:
>  >
>  > The command-line equivalent is "dpkg -L", to list the files that belong
>  > to an installed package.
> I should note that down somewhere... I'm sure I've come across it before.

I recommend the 'Debian Reference Card' which is in package debian-
refcard. It lists the 'apt-file list' command as an alternative to dpkg
-L, and that works even on packages that are not installed.

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