* On 2024 05 Apr 12:37 -0500, William Torrez Corea wrote:
> My colleague uses Windows, another uses Mac OS while I use Debian Gnu/Linux
> 12.

Choice is good.

> The majority of users use Windows while developers and designers use mac os
> but a little of people use Debian Gnu/Linux 12. So, what is the goal of
> having this distribution?.


> I use in Debian Gnu/Linux the following tools:
>    1. gdb
>    2. gcc
>    3. valgrind
>    4. git
>    5. vim
>    6. postgresql

You're using tools provided by Debian to get your work done or to do
things you want to do that work well for you.  Is that the case for your

Understand that some people will only use one computing platform no
matter the benefits of another.  Others will try everything and still
others will seek the absolute best platform to achieve their goals no
matter what it is.  You and your colleagues may well each be in one of
those categories.

Most of the time the platform is dictated by the application(s) a user
wants to run.  Sometimes the platform is dictated by ego.

- Nate

"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."
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