On 2024-04-07 04:48 +0300, Cyprus Socialite wrote:

> I am trying to configure Apt to follow a "stable where we can, unstable
> where we must" logic.
> On the "Stable+Backports - Testing - Unstable - Experimental" stencil, I
> would like to
> - install left-to-right (the stablest version available),
> - upgrade right-to-left (the stablest newer version available, but never
> less stable than the one currently installed).
> I have already achieved the desired Install behaviour with Pin-Priorities,
> but upgrade is more challenging.
> For example, if I have foo=2 installed from testing, and the newer versions
> available are foo=3 in stable and foo=4 in testing, apt seems to go for
> testing, whereas I would prefer the stabler though not-so-much-newer
> version by default.

This would be rather strange and does not match my experience.  Can you
please show the output of "apt policy"?

> Furthermore, I would like to keep the aforementioned stencil fixed on my
> current release until and unless I'm ready for an upgrade.
> I imagine this can be achieved by sticking explicit names (e.g.
> bookworm/trixie in place of stable/testing) everywhere, but maybe there is
> a nicer, DRY-compliant method? Perhaps, something involving
> APT::Default-Release or similar, though I will admit I have no clue how
> this setting actually works...

Using the codename (i.e. bookworm/trixie) is the way to go.  When
upgrading to a newer release you need to adjust the pinning preferences
along with the apt sources, but this only needs to be done every two


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