Lee <ler...@gmail.com> writes:

> On Sun, Apr 7, 2024 at 3:30 PM Richmond wrote:
>> Richmond writes:
>> > Richmond writes:
>> >
>> >> When playing videos in a web browser, and sending the sound to a
>> >> bluetooth speaker (amazon echo) I get playback problems;
>> >> stuttering, sound quality reduction to AM radio level or
>> >> lower). These things can clear up after a minute or two, or be
>> >> reduced.
>> >>
>> >> When playing from nvlc however I get no such problems. (I haven't
>> >> tried vlc so I am not sure if it is just that it is a command
>> >> line).
>> >>
>> >> I have tried google-chrome and firefox-esr.
>> >>
>> >> Perhaps there is some other browser which will work? Maybe I need
>> >> to isolate the process from the browser? I tried pop-out picture
>> >> on you tube and it improved but there was still stuttering.
>> >
>> > I installed Falkon and Konqueror. I tried Falkon and it worked
>> > fine, no sound problems. But then I tried Google-chrome again and
>> > that was working fine too, and so was Firefox-esr. The problems
>> > have gone away and even rebooting doesn't bring them back. Maybe
>> > one of those browsers brought a better library with it.
>> These problems have come back again.
> So unless you've updated or installed new hardware or software it's
> probably not a firmware/software issue.
>> I have tried rebooting. I tried sending the same audio from an
>> android phone and it works fine. How do I find out what the problems
>> is? I cannot see errors in journalctl
> It's possible that wifi or usb 3.0 could be interfering with your
> bluetooth speakers - eg
> https://www.zdnet.com/article/usb-3-and-usb-c-devices-can-cause-problems-with-wi-fi-and-bluetooth-connections-but-theres-a-solution/

Thanks, I think this is the answer! I was having no problems today but
noticed that the PC was connected to 5Ghz. Sometimes it connects at
2.4Ghz. When I disabled 5Ghz and forced the PC to use 2.4Ghz the problem
came back. So now all I need to do is seperate those services and/or tie
the PC to 5Ghz.

The PC is a laptop but I never move it from the desktop. I am using a
USB mouse and USB keyboard adapter to an old IBM keyboard.

> https://sortatechy.com/spot-and-fix-bluetooth-interference-with-wifi/
> If your PC is using wireless and can use a 5Ghz channel, try moving
> your PC wireless to a 5Ghz channel first.  If you PC only supports
> 2.4Gh wireless you can install linssid
> https://packages.debian.org/bookworm/linssid and pick a relatively
> unused channel for your PC wireless.  Or just try channels 1, 6 and 11
> and see if any of those makes a difference..
> If you're using a USB 3.0 device on your PC try turning it off or
> moving it to a USB 2.0 port and see if that fixes the bluetooth
> interference.
> Regards, Lee

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