On Mon, Apr 08, 2024 at 07:52:34AM -0400, David Mehler wrote:
> Hello,
> This is to any users running Debian 12 as a mail server. I am wondering if
> you have some, most, all, or none of these packages installed, Pyzor, Razor,
> DCC? If so how did you get them going and how did you get them to start?
> Thanks.
> Dave.

here are my 2 cents.
I found pyzor and razor too much hassle.
Here is what is installed on the email servers I administer.
Your own dns resolver!
I mainly use postfix (one installation of exim).
Any gateway accepting smtp uses 2 dnsbl
  - zen.spamhaus.org
  - ix.dnsbl.manitu.net

forget about spamcop they are done.
I do run my own handcrafted BL (hosts and clients).
Hello! outlook!, you are just two mails away from being 
added on that list! Get your s#!t together!

I do run SA but the main filtering is done by those blocklists.
And running these few hits through another clearing house doesn't justify
the potential payoff.


Henning Follmann           | hfollm...@itcfollmann.com

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