
I have not used mbuffer for a long time, so won't comment on that.

But your netstat call looks unsuitable to diagnose.

I'd propose to use

ss -f inet -lpn

ss instead of netstat... I try to catch up with changing times :-)

-f inet because in this case, you're (probably) just interested in IPv4 network sockets. Could be IPv6, of course, then use inet6

-l list listening sockets, not active connections
-p show the process using the socket. Will usually require root
-n show numbers, not translated names

l and n are probably most important for you (and are also available for netstat) as you would otherwise first miss a listening socket, and then have grep miss the output if you use a port number that is assigned (see /etc/services)

Good luck!


Arno Lehmann

IT-Service Lehmann
Sandstr. 6, 49080 Osnabrück

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