On Thu, Apr 11, 2024 at 05:56:05PM +0200, Hans wrote:
> Hi folks, 
> O know in shell scripts it is possible, to seperate a looong line of commands 
> into several short lines.
> But can this be done in config-files, too?
> I have a files with the syntax like this:
> Do_not_write="/path1/subfolder /path1/subfolder2 ... /pathX/subfolderX"

As Nicolas George says, "config-file" is too generic a term.
If the above is a variable assignment, then you can escape the
newlines with a backslash, like so

Do_not_write="path1/subfolder \
  path1/subfolder2 \

Note that the backslash has to be the last character in the
line. No extra whitespace after that (this is somewhat
fragile). I prefer to put such things in here docs:

read -d '' Do_not_write <<"__END"
the other

echo "Do_not_write"
the other

Put attention to the quotes. In bash, type "help read" to learn
about the options (it is a builtin, it has to).


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