On 4/17/24 14:52, The Wanderer wrote:
On 2024-04-16 at 16:56, gene heskett wrote:

On 4/16/24 10:46, The Wanderer wrote:

On 2024-04-16 at 10:28, Greg Wooledge wrote:

In his original message, he claimed that closing one window
makes the other one also close.

I asked *how* he was closing them, and he said that he gets the
same result whether he uses the WM's close button, or the
application's Exit menu choice.

 From what I saw in a Bugzilla bug report (which I think was linked
to in this thread?) about a similar behavior (dating back a good
number of years, and closed as - more or less - "not meaningfully
fixable" or the like), neither of those is what is needed.

What needs to happen, according to that analysis, is to close one
of the windows not by File -> Exit or File -> Quit, but by File ->
Close. (In my - severely obsolete - Thunderbird version, it's near
the top of the File menu, and has the associated keyboard shortcut

Reportedly, after doing that, if you then quit the program entirely
(by any of the other available methods), when you re-launch it it
will come up with only one window.

Thank you, that fixed it!

You're welcome.

Please extend your thanks to Tomas, who is the one who tracked down the
links that led to the bug report where I found the analysis and this
advice, and also to Curt, who was giving the same recommendation in
different terms before I got to it.

Terms I may not have adequately understood, like Winston Churchill is reported to have once said about England and America, "two great countries separated by a common language." or words to that effect. So my thanks to all who contributed, in what they thought was my mother tongue.

Also, many thanks to those whose mother tongue is not English, for learning English. My schooling did not last long enough to have a chance to learn yours. My schooling ceased shortly after the 8h grade as I went to work fixing the then new-fangled things called tv's for a living in 1947. Mother gave me one very valuable thing, a near genius IQ. My employment history is widely varied. The tv cameras that were on the Trieste when it went down in the mohole in 1960, had my fingerprints in them. Now retired for 22 years from an 18 years stint in CE office at a tv station, I'm still working in the bleeding edge of 3d printing despite hoping to have 2 of my own design working by my 90th. Many many thanks to those who have helped.

Take care and stay well all.

All I did was read the discussion at the link Tomas provided, and find a
different way to express it.

Cheers, Gene Heskett, CET.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis

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