On 22 Apr 2024 16:03 +0100, from debian-u...@howorth.org.uk:
> He said he wanted to revert to Bullseye rather than Bookworm, so it's
> to be expected that there will be older kernels, if that's really what
> he meant and what he did. But as you say, without a clear statement of
> the intent and the actions taken it's difficult to be sure.

You're right. Except the reference to a Debian 12 ISO would definitely
be Bookworm, where 12.5 is current, so that part checks out.

At this point I'm guessing that the reference to Bullseye is a

Hopefully it'll be a while before we have three consecutive releases
with codenames all beginning with the same letter (Buster, Bullseye,
Bookworm). I'm probably not the only one who's got them mixed up on
occasion. Bookworm / Trixie / Forky should be easier to keep apart.
Looking at Wikipedia's summary table it doesn't look like there has
otherwise been any _two_ consecutive releases (ignoring Sid) where the
codenames began with the same letter, much less three.

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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