On 25/4/24 08:13, Jeffrey Walton wrote:


Related, if you control the venue, then you might consider using Jitsi. Jitsi is open source, and it does not have the obscene terms of service that companies like Google, Microsoft and Zoom push onto people using their service. With Jitsi, your meeting data is yours. It is not used internally for other products, and it is not shared with partners like the Big Tech companies do.

And last but not least, Zoom is not trustworthy. The company will lie to users until the cows come home. It was so bad the FCC had to sue them to get the company to stop. That's saying something when the FCC moves against a company. The FCC is captured, and the regulatory body rarely moves against any company.


This has been discussed (and disgusted) some months ago, on this list.

zoom, like the big g (that appears to be the ominous g in the freemasons symbolism), is known to be a spybot thingy, making use of content from communications.

As the big g does it with the goggle searches and with geemail, zoom does it with the audio and video from its audiovisual communications. Using either, for communications that are not wanted to be made public, or sold to people that want to cause harm, is not a good idea.

jitsi is recognised as being significantly less of a spybot, and so, is recommended for use, by the FSF, I believe, where use of zoom, is strongly discouraged, I believe.

Bret Busby
Western Australia

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