On 26/04/2024 12:56, David Wright wrote:
On Fri 26 Apr 2024 at 11:27:24 (+0900), John Crawley wrote:
Innocent question: what difference does the comment make vs just ending the 
file with an empty line?

Nothing for the computer, but visibility for me.

Say you print the file on paper. All you see is white space after
the end of the printed text. Is there an empty line?

Or take, for instance, my example above, and think back to those VDUs,
as we called them, where the firmware added a newline as soon as the
cursor reached the right side of the screen, without waiting to see
whether the next character was itself a newline or not.¹ So using an
empty line approach, you might find yourself looking at a screen like:

Last character position on the screen -----------------------↓

swap     LABEL= … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … =512


Now, is that an empty line before the prompt, or did the terminal
add the extra newline itself because the swap line was exactly
80 characters long?


And nano is worse: to know you've reached the bottom, you have to
check the cursor doesn't advance when you pound on the downarrow key.

Yes, that's what I usually do. :)


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