On Tue, 30 Apr 2024 15:48:09 -0400
Gary Dale <g...@extremeground.com> wrote:

Hello Gary,

>Yes but: both gdb and nfs-client installed fine. Moreover, the 
>nfs-client doesn't appear to be a dependency of any of the massive load 
>of files updated lately.  The gdb package however is but for some

This transition is ongoing;  Just because a package is uninstallable
today, doesn't mean the same will be true tomorrow.  Sometimes,
dependencies transfer in the wrong order.

Minor point;  nfs-client doesn't appear to exist in Debian.  At least,
not according my search of https://packages.debian.org  Closest packages I 
could find are nfs-common or ndb-client.

>Shouldn't autoremove only offer to remove packages that used to be a 
>dependency but aren't currently (i.e. their status has changed)?

There are lots of inter-dependant relationships (that I don't even
pretend to understand).  It's not as simple as 'X doesn't depend on Y, so
it should not be removed'.  There's (nearly) always other things going
on at such times as this.  For example, it's not until today I could get
libllvmt64 to install, and replace, libllvm.  For several days,
attempting the replacement would have ended up with broken packages, so
the upgrade was not allowed.

Sometimes, only upgrading a subset of the packages offered can help;
apt isn't perfect at resolving all the issues.  Assuming the issues are
solvable in the first place.  This is not a criticism of apt, because
aptitude and synaptic can have difficulties, too.  Each tool has its

On top of all that, I've found quite a few library packages don't
automatically migrate to their t64 counterpart.  Whether that's by
accident or design, IDK.  What I do know is that the act of installing
(manually) the t64 version will force the removal of the old version.
There's usually a 'complaint' about such an action (warning about
removing an in use library), but it proceeds without problems.

 Regards  _       "Valid sig separator is {dash}{dash}{space}"
         / )      "The blindingly obvious is never immediately apparent"
        / _)rad   "Is it only me that has a working delete key?"
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