But why should it cause issues? I set the logging in dovecot's conf.d, so
I'd expect dovecot to write these logs, not postfix as it has its own

Am Di., 14. Mai 2024 um 05:00 Uhr schrieb jeremy ardley <

> On 14/5/24 04:16, Richard wrote:
> > Maybe someone here knows how the ownership of these files for Dovecot
> > needs to be in order to work, as various distributions of Dovecot
> > packages seem to use different users:
> > I'd like Dovecot not to log into syslog, but to dedicated files.
> > Therefore I've created the directory /var/log/dovecot and told dovecot
> > in 10-logging.conf to log info, debug and error messages to separate
> > files.  But I get error messages from postfix (weird):
> A possible cause of problems between postfix and dovecot is that postfix
> usuallly runs chroot so the file tree it sees is not the same as the one
> the rest of the system sees.

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