On 19 May 2024 11:11 -0400, from monn...@iro.umontreal.ca (Stefan Monnier):
>> If you have read permission on a directory but *not* execute permissions,
>> then the only thing you can do is read the contents of that directory --
>> the filenames and their inode numbers.  You cannot stat() the files,
>> so you can't see who owns them or even what kind of files they are.
>> Just their names.
> Never found a situation where this as useful.

Put the user that a HTTP server runs in into each user's group, and
set g=x on each user's home directory plus ~/public_html. (Your choice
whether you want g=rx or g=x on the latter.) The web server process is
now able to access web content from within the user's home directory
without needing to run anything as root (possibly after dropping
privileges after binding to ports 80 and 443), and all this without
giving anyone else any access into other users' home directories.

Sure, something like www.example.com/~username mapping to a directory
inside username's home directory isn't that common a pattern these
days, but it used to be _very_ common. And since it's exposed more or
less directly to untrusted network inputs, it's nice to be able to
make the HTTP server drop privileges as much as possible.

This generalizes to any process having reason to descend into a
directory but not reason to enumerate the contents of the directory it
needs to descend into. Another example would be a process wanting to
manage its own /var/log/$subsystem directory itself; it doesn't need
to do anything to anything in /var/log, it only needs to be able to
descend into its own directory.

Yes, you _can_ do it in other ways. But the above is definitely _one_

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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