Am 20.05.2024 um 12:59:40 Uhr schrieb Van Snyder:

> When I boot, there's junk (mixed graphics and text that seems to be
> out of sync) on one, and the other is dark. When I reboot, it's
> almost the same, except the monitors' roles have switched.
> The graphics chip is NVidia G58M (GeForce 8400M) and the NVidia 340
> driver is running.
> Would the nouveau driver work for the USB monitors?

Try it.
I've already experienced issues with the nouveau driver with multi
cards. It was a 6200TC and the internal Intel HD graphics.
Sometimes graphics card break (memory or GPU issue), but aren't
completely broken. This was especially the case for the older ones.
Many laptops with 7xxx, 8xxx and 9xxx had graphics issues.


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