Ok, so I'm not the sharpest tack around.

I decided, prematurely I might add, to use dselect to "upgrade" to sarge. Now I have no idea where I am. Dselect got a few errors and could not correct itself.

It started with one error while uninstalling foo, so it thinks foo is not installed (but it is). So I run dselect to install it, but it thinks it is installed so does nothing and is happy. I try to get it to remove foo, but it can't find it and fails, and does not correct the db to show it is not there. Circular failures!

I try to edit dselect's status, and change foo's status line, but now dselect is unhappy and cry's that someone is touching it's porridge.

Alright, I will try to learn Apt and that routine, wish me luck!

I just wish stable didn't mean stagnant.

I recently looked at the editor Eclipse that IBM is behind. I was struck by how beautiful is was but didn't do a whole lot and was indecipherable about how to set up. Design by committe.

Mac <no attitude here> McCaskie

Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:

On Sun, 11 Jan 2004, Mac McCaskie wrote:

Hey folks,

I'm fairly new to debian and have been playing around getting a web
server up and running.

I ran into what I thought sounded like a dream come true, WebMin.  So I
installed it via dselect with some packages I thought I'd need.  However
now I cannot get it to run.  After doing some spelunking I've discovered
a few things via comments I've read around and about.

-The current .deb package does not install all needed packages.

You mean apt-get install webmin doesn't install all webmin modules?
That's by design.  Each module (apart from a few essential core ones) is
a seperate module.  Think about it.  If you are running postfix why would
you need a sendmail module?  If you are running proftpd why would you need
a wuftpd module installed?  Etc.

Or do you mean some other ptoblem?

-Webmin is way behind (ie out of date) in Woody.
-The maintainer is apparently not keeping up.

Again this is by design.  When a Debian distribution becomes stable, no
new software is added to it.  Testing/unstable contains version 1.110
which is the most current.

Having said that, webmin in woody is broken (and has been for some time
but lets not go there.)  In fact I've asked the archive maintainers to
remove it altogether but they're taking their sweet time about it.

-There is no bug report about it's failure to install properly.

Problems with the woody packages are likely never going to be fixed.  I
advise you to install the versions from sarge which will install cleanly
on a woody system.  You can do this in one of two ways:

1. Search the archives of this list for the topic "apt pinning"

2. Manually download the .debs you want and install them with dpkg -i

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