
i wonder why none of the electricians on this list has an anecdote to
share about dealing with "obsolete" packages after upgrade.
No triumphs, defeats, or global catastrophes ?

I wrote:
> > https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/release-notes/ch-upgrading.en.h
> > What does "[residual-config]" mean ?

Marco Moock wrote:
> Packages include system-wide configuration files. If packages are
> removed, this configuration will not be deleted. You need to purge such
> packages to remove it.

So the smaller list of packages can be dealt with what the upgrade
instructions propose:
  apt purge '~c'

There remains the list of 220 "obsolete" packages.

> > https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/release-notes/ch-upgrading.en.html#obsolete

> Packages have dependencies. Those will be marked as automatically
> installed. They can be removed if no other package depends on them.

But several of those packages were surely installed manually by me via
dpkg -i after being made made as descibed in
The predicate "obsolete" is not the same as "automatically installed".
I understand that obsolete means having no successor package in the
upgraded Debian release.

How could i get a list of only the automatically installed obsolete
packages ?
(I still did not find any documentation about the '~c' or '~o' with
"apt list".)

> Be aware: If you install software beyond apt/dpkg that depends on files
> in installed packages, you need to mark them as manually installed to
> avoid being removed by autoremove.

Google leads me to apt-mark for that purpose.
But i am not sure whether the commercial package which i have to keep
will be preserved with "apt autoremove".
Is there a way to do a dry run which only tells what would happen if i
were more courageous ?

Have a nice day :)


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