On Fri, May 31, 2024 at 10:03 AM DdB
<debianl...@potentially-spam.de-bruyn.de> wrote:
> while being on old-old-stable still (buster) and preparing for an
> upgrade to bookworm, i noticed, that GNOME once again lost compatibility
> to my preferred extensions, giving me a hard choice to either go on with
> my outdated system as long as possible, or find a replacement and change
> my ways of working.
> What i did like with GNOME was the ease of use for a handicapped person
> (like me). But i disliked the overwhelming intrusion into the os, that
> suppresses many choices and freedom.
> But as i am still feeling like a noob, i would like to collect some
> suggestions and comments from you guys:
> Eventually there is an alternative to the so called
> "quick-toggler-extension", that i used/exploited to generate a kind of
> personal menu, easily configured in one go with a json config file, an
> alternative on another desktop?
> And the other miss is the "Windows-corner-preview-extension", that is no
> longer maintained or functional, that i was using all over the place for
> many different use cases and purposes. That one also suffers from
> changes inside GNOME, that basically kill volunteers work (repeatedly!)
> Now is the time to plan ahead for years to come and i don't know, what i
> should do.

It looks like you have at least ten choices of desktop environments:
<https://wiki.debian.org/DesktopEnvironment>. I don't know if your
extensions are compatible with any of them.

MATE provides an experience similar to GNOME 2.


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