Don't tell just me. Please reply to the list.

On Tue, 4 Jun 2024 13:28:23 -0400 wrote:

> On 6/4/24 12:44, Charles Curley wrote:
>  [...]  
>  [...]  
>  [...]  
> I did that a while back, when I set the monitors up this way.  They
> were arranged correctly once I logged in.  It's just in lightdm that
> they were wrong.  They are correct now (I actually don't know why,
> unless it's ignoring the hash mark for that line), but I get those
> errors, which might be related to it not going into suspend overnight.
> I modified lightdm's config on 20 May (so says my log), but:
> eben@cerberus:~$ sudo journalctl | grep xrandr | uniq -c
> --check-chars=6 3015 May 24 21:25:03 cerberus lightdm[2714286]:
> xrandr: cannot find mode 1920x1200
>    13581 May 25 00:41:10 cerberus lightdm[2823087]: xrandr: cannot
> find mode 1920x1200
>    14599 May 26 01:35:52 cerberus lightdm[282746]: xrandr: cannot
> find mode 1920x1200
>    17512 May 27 01:02:53 cerberus lightdm[951063]: xrandr: cannot
> find mode 1920x1200
>    18670 May 28 00:38:05 cerberus lightdm[1676638]: xrandr: cannot
> find mode 1920x1200
>    13689 May 29 00:34:24 cerberus lightdm[2413887]: xrandr: cannot
> find mode 1920x1200
>    14006 May 30 01:52:22 cerberus lightdm[3092520]: xrandr: cannot
> find mode 1920x1200
>    14376 May 31 01:40:14 cerberus lightdm[3751983]: xrandr: cannot
> find mode 1920x1200
>    15296 Jun 01 00:58:00 cerberus lightdm[206925]: xrandr: cannot
> find mode 1920x1200
>    16280 Jun 02 00:00:00 cerberus lightdm[175982]: xrandr: cannot
> find mode 1920x1200
>    13209 Jun 03 02:25:20 cerberus lightdm[909251]: xrandr: cannot
> find mode 1920x1200
>    12630 Jun 04 01:56:54 cerberus lightdm[1546837]: xrandr: cannot
> find mode 1920x1200
> There are no errors on the 23rd related to xrandr, so I suspect
> something happened on the 24th.
> <investigation happens>
> The logged event right before lightdm started acting up was
> May 24 21:25:01 cerberus dbus-daemon[1362]: [session uid=1000
> pid=1362] Activating service name='org.xfce.Xfconf' req>
> May 24 21:25:01 cerberus dbus-daemon[1362]: [session uid=1000
> pid=1362] Successfully activated service 'org.xfce.Xfco>
> Maybe that dbus update was bad?  Or I only updated part of it or
> something?
> --
>        This message was created using recycled electrons.

Does anybody read signatures any more?

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