On Sun, Jun 09, 2024 at 06:58:21AM +0200, to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 09, 2024 at 07:41:58AM +0800, Jeff Peng wrote:
> > Hello
> > 
> > I am using the VMs from big providers such as AWS and Azure.
> I'd ask AWS/Azure support for that.

Yes, talking _with_ your vendor is the way to go.

> They do known their infrastructure best, we hope, and, after all,
> they are taking money for their service.

Text from https://cloud.debian.org/images/cloud/

  Debian Official Cloud Images

  In this page you can find the Debian cloud images provided by the Debian
  Cloud Team for some cloud providers. End users do not need to download
  these images, as they are usually provided by their cloud providers.

  How can I verify my download is correct and exactly what has been
  created by Debian?

  For the current official images (in the per-distribution directories),
  the safest method is to download the image and checksum files over TLS
  from cloud.debian.org or cdimage.debian.org. These names support DNSSEC,
  so a validating resolver can ensure that a client is connected to a
  Debian host. And TLS ensures that the data is not manipulated in flight.

  The legacy OpenStack images (in the OpenStack/ directory) provide
  checksums and signatures. See SHA512SUMS.sign, etc. For more information
  about the verification steps, read the verification guide

  If you're interested in contributing checksum signatures for the current
  images, please reach us on the list: debian-cloud at lists.debian.org.

  Other questions?

  Questions can be forwarded to the Debian Cloud Team: debian-cloud
  at lists.debian.org.

Text from me

  Invest in win-win-situations

Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse

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