On 7/14/24 00:57, Richard Bostrom wrote:
Executing this script halts it after the tar with the following message.

tar -zcvf bak.tar.gz /home/user/Documents &&
gpg -r backup@user.local -e bak.tar.gz &&
rm -rf bak.tar.gz &&
rsync -vac --delete /home/user/Documents/bak.tar.gz.gpg /media/user/6548-2136 
&&rm -rf bak.tar.gz.gpg

tar: file changed as we read it.

Assuming your script is named /home/user/script and your current working directory is /home/user, please run the following commands in a terminal and post the complete console session -- prompts, commands entered, output displayed:

$ cat /etc/debian_version; uname -a

$ cd

$ pwd

$ ls -l bak.tar.gz*

$ ls -l /media/user/6548-2136

$ cat script

$ sh -x script

$ ls -l bak.tar.gz*

$ ls -l /media/user/6548-2136


  • Bug? Richard Bostrom
    • Re: Bug? Nicolas George
    • Re: Bug? David Christensen

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