On 18/7/24 01:43, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
On Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 05:52:47PM +0200, Aleix Piulachs wrote:
installing w4sp-lab in Kali-linux-2024.2-installer-everything-amd64.iso
gives me an error when I press w4sp_webapp.py in python module error:
import w4sp and error in module: from w4sp_app import * and I cannot change
the w4sp or * how do I do it?

Hi Aleix,

Please go and read the FAQ that I post almost every month on this list.

Kali is _derived_ from Debian and isn't Debian. As such, I'd respectfully
suggest that you go and find Kali support elsewhere.

Thanks for reading, with every good wish as ever

Andrew Cater

This exists;


Users of Kali Linux, should peruse that web page.

From that web page, unfortunately, Kali Linux, like Linux Mint, and some of the BSD variants, does not provide an officially supported users mailing list, like Debian Linux provides this one, and Ubuntu Linux, with its users mailing list.

So, it is up to a user of software that does not have an officially supported users' mailing list, to create and administer a users' mailing list, like for some other Linux distributions and Thunderbird and Firefox, as has happened at groups.io (https://groups.io -> "Find or Create a Group").

And, remember the proverb; "Every journey of a thousand leagues, starts with the first step".

Bret Busby
West Australia

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