I've run Sid exclusively for years; the last time I broke it badly
enough to justify a reinstall was in 2013 and that was for not paying
attention during an upgrade  :)

My heartburn is I would have expected to see this change in a
changelog and apt-listchanges didn't say a word about this.

As far as filing a bug report?  Since the symlink is now gone I'm not
even sure there's a bug to file  :)

And I agree with you on the bombastic subject line.

On Sun, Jul 28, 2024 at 9:30 AM Michael Kjörling <c9bc136c6...@ewoof.net> wrote:

> By all means, file a bug report against the relevant package so that
> this can be tracked and fixed. (Actually, _please_ do, if one doesn't
> already exist.) I agree that this should be fixed, preferably before
> the change makes it into Testing. Posting on debian-user is not how
> one files a bug report, however.
> And posting on debian-user with a bombastic Subject line which implies
> that this is a widespread issue when it really only seems to exist in
> Unstable is, quite frankly, in my opinion at best dishonest.

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