On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 10:44:37AM +0800, hlyg wrote:


> PS: i am aware that linux has more success in server market

... and the mobile market. Android is, on its underbelly, Linux
after all. So Linux might have the most installations out there,
I guess.

Not that Microsoft didn't try -- they even bought one big phone
manufacturer (Nokia) and killed [1] it in the process of trying
to ram Winphone down the people's throats (Sony paid its price
too). They failed miserably.

The downside of all of that is that it took another monster of
surveillance capitalism to float Linux on that platform, and that
this Linux is unfree in many other strange ways.

It's capitalism: it takes money to make money.


[1] See Steven Elop if you want to have some spectacular corporate
   drama: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Elop#CEO_of_Nokia


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