Le 7/30/24 à 10:35, Keith Bainbridge a écrit :
Good evening All


If there is anybody from mail.com on the list   PLEASE  let us know how to 
overcome your quirks.

The world of email quirks is a labyrinth.
A good list that has e-mail administrators from around the planet is SDLU
(Spammers Dont Like Us)
it's mostly to discuss and combat spam,
but the point is if you want to get in touch with people that acutally run 
e-mail services here and there,
you're probably going to find them on this list.
It also offers a rare glimpse into the minds of those who are in charge of 
operating mail servers that run most of our electronic communications.

Also, you might want to discuss live at ##email on libera.chat which has around 
150 users,
exchanging knowledge and strategies to overcome most e-mail problems.


yassine -- sysadm
+213-779 06 06 23
Looking for side gigs.

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