
Le 27/07/2024, David Wright <de
b...@lionunicorn.co.uk> a écrit:

> > I never found an official documentation about "su -p", just found it 
> > myself, 
> > but I read, "su -" shall do the same. It does not.

> When you write something like this, can you accompany it with a
> reference? The essential package util-linux's man page seems to
> contradict whatever it was you found and read:

AFAIUI, Hans essentially meant that 'su -p' allows him to start
graphical programs as root inside an X session running as another user,
and that 'su -' doesn't “do the same” (i.e., it doesn't allow starting
graphical programs as root inside an X session running as another user).
Which I am inclined to believe, although I'm reluctant to try 'su -p'
for fear of creating a mess in my normal user setup:

  ~ % su -p
  zsh compinit: insecure directories and files, run compaudit for list.
  Ignore insecure directories and files and continue [y] or abort compinit [n]? 



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