
On Sat, Aug 03, 2024 at 10:22:43PM +0100, mick.crane wrote:
> Initially the advice was .home. Then I think BT started using that on mobile
> network.
> Then they said use .local. then they said use .home.

I don't recall anything about .home being recommended, but yeah
Microsoft did suggest .local back in the early 2000s and then go
back on that. The RFC for mDNS standardised its use of .local in

Once things end up in some Internet RFC that's a bit more weight
than just a vendor suggesting it. Vendors do crazy things, like
putting captive portals on the IP address.

> I was going to change everything yet again to home.arpa but now it might be
> .internal?

At worst I expect both will be reserved for this use.

There's unlikely to be any terrible problem with whatever you use
now so I wouldn't worry about it.


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