Found the problem

  I need module-init-tools. modutils is no good for 2.6 kernels.
  After apt-get install module-init-tools everything is fine.

Sorry for the clutter.


Ramasubramanian Ramesh wrote:

  Since this morning I am running 2.6.0-test9 (upgraded from 2.4.18) to sort things out. However I noticed that my first test itself has proved to be impasse. I am nolonger able to load modules. I did

   make bzdisk
   make modules (no modules_install yet)
   boot of the floppy
   goto one of the kernel compile directories that contain module xx.ko (say, sound_core.ko)
   insmod xx.o

  I get

insmod: QM_MODULES: Function not implemented

insmod: cannot open /proc/ksyms No such file or directory
  in /proc I only see a kallsyms and not ksyms. Also I do not know what this QM_MODULES is.
  Is my insmod out of date?

Thanks and Regards

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